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Special Education Services

The special education department at Sussex Central high school is committed to providing high-quality services to students with disabilities that qualify for special education services.  Staff members acting in various capacities and with different areas of expertise carefully, and thoughtfully consider the needs of each identified student.  Based on this information, we utilize a team approach to develop relevant and individualized special education programs that will help students to enjoy success in high school and to become independent, contributing and responsible adults.

Each of the member of the student Individual Education Program (IEP) team have different responsibilities, but everyone works and communicates together to help ensure students' short-term and long-term success.

Members of the IEP Team:

To Provide Assessment, Identification, and Classification:

School Psychologists
School Diagnostician

To Develop and Implement the IEP

Parent(s) or Guardian(s)
Special Education Coordinators
Case Managers
Transition Specialist Special Education Teachers
Teacher of the Deaf/Hard of Hearing (if applicable)
Teacher of the Visually Impaired (if applicable)
Career and Technical Education Teachers
General Education Teachers

Related Service Providers Including:

Speech Therapists
Physical Therapists
Occupational Therapists
School-Based Social Workers/Counselors
School-Based Nursing Support