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Registration Information

Enrollment Procedures

To register your student, please call the Main office (302) 934-3166

When you and your student come for the registration appointment please bring the following documentation:

  • Withdrawal from Prior School
  • Current report card and/ or transcript
  • Proof of Residency
    (Proof that the student and parent/guardian lives in the Sussex Central High     School attendance area, i.e. valid drivers license, current lease or rental agreement, recent utility bill, or current mail showing name and address)
  • Copy of Birth Certificate
  • Copy of Immunizations and current physical
  • Custody/ Guardianship Papers
    (Parent or legal guardian is the only one legally allowed to enroll student into Sussex Central High School)

School Choice Information


Packets and Forms


Supplemental Forms (English)
Supplemental Forms (Spanish)
DE Relative Caregiver Affidavit (English)
DE Relative Caregiver Affidavit (Spanish)
Wellness Center Registration (English)
Wellness Center Registration (Spanish)​​​​​
Wellness Center Privacy Practices (English)
Wellness Center Privacy Practices (Spanish)