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Parent-Teacher Conference Tips

Parent-Teacher Conference Discussion Topics and Questions

Homework - Is my child’s homework completed and being turned in on time?

Class Participation - Does my child ask questions, volunteer answers, and participate in discussions

Organization - Does my child seem organized? Does he/she come to class prepared?

Academic Success - How is my child doing in this class? Is my child working up to his/her potential? Is this class appropriate for my child’s ability level?

Classroom Time Management - Does my child use class time wisely?

Attendance and Punctuality - Is my child in class every day? Does he/she come to class on time?

Focus - Does my child pay attention in class?   

Social Adjustment - Is my child respectful and courteous to teachers and classmates? Does my child appear to get along with the other students?

Strengths and Weaknesses - What are my child’s strengths? What does he/she need to work on?

Additional Comments - Do you have any advice or suggestions for me or my child? What is the best way for me to contact you if I have questions or concern in the future?

Before the Conference

  • Talk with your student to see if there is any topic or issue they would like for you to address during the meeting.
  • Stay Positive about your visit in talking with your student.
  • Prepare a list of questions to ask the teacher.
    • Topics like: daily schedule, the standards to achieve, grading policy, student’s behavior in class, etc.
  • Make a few notes that would be helpful for the teacher to better understand your student. Ex. Health issues, feelings about school, your expectations, and home environment.

During the Conference

  • Ask specific questions
  • Take notes on the information shared by the teacher.

After the Conference

  • Prioritize the notes taken during the meeting and discuss the conference with your child.
  • Make sure to share any changes to be made at home or in school with your student
  • Set goals for improvement with your student and work alongside of your student, so they may achieve these goals. 
  • Follow up with the teacher, either by phone, email, or visit to discuss progress